Target 1000
We need just 25 more individuals to subscribe to Prayer News and commit to praying regularly and giving £10/€11/$12 per month to enable us to press forward “Proclaiming Christ and Planting Churches” in France, Ireland, Peru and Spain. You can designate your monthly gift towards the support of a particular worker or family.
By signing up with monthly support we will add you to the T1000 Supporters and Baptist Missions Prayer News to receive weekly prayer updates right to your inbox from our mission workers and partners.
To setup a Regular Standing Order for Target1000 please contact Joanne at the office gro.snoissimtsitpabhsiri@ofni

The Northern Baptist Corporation Limited (NBC) is a Registered Company & Charity setup to provide trustee, financial and legal services for churches in membership of the Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland and for the Departments of the Association.
NBC recovers Gift Aid on behalf of the Association and its Departments. Gift Aid recovered is allocated to the Department nominated to receive the gift.
Northern Baptist Corporation Limited is a company limited by guarantee #NI000152 and a registered charity #106654
Charitable Donatations Scheme
If you are a tax payer in Ireland we may be able to claim an additional 44.9% of the value of your gift through the Irish Revenue’s Charitable Donations Scheme. If this applies to you please complete and return this CHY3 form.
CHY3 Enduring Certificate